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Finding the right CSA or Farm Share is like finding the right winter coat.

I was reading an article the other day about finding the perfect winter coat, it got me thinking. My mom once told me (well she actually probably told me more than just once when I first started dating) that dating was like coat shopping. You were looking for that perfect fit; therefore you had to try on more than just one coat. I think finding the perfect CSA or Farm Share fits right into this frame of mind. So, in a nutshell here are my thoughts in finding that perfect fit, because there are quite a few options in the area to choose from! Here are a few things to consider when looking for that perfect fit.


Most shares have a variety of times and locations, giving you the flexibility to swing by during the week or a Saturday morning, select a location nearest your workplace or one closer to your home. This allows the farm to come to you, some shares offer you the ability to come out to the farm, to slow down and enjoy both the weekly drive into the country and the farm it’s self.

Diversity of Product

Some shares offer only veggies. Some, a combination of fruits and veggies, yet others offer both meats and veggies! Some offer a little of everything they can produce (including grains, flowers or honey and so much more) giving you options, as many as there are choices at the coffee shop!


Each farm brings a story to the table, a why and how they got started. Every farmer has a flare all their own. Every farm produces healthy food, yet each does it their own way. Get to know your farmer, because it’s that relationship that truly seals the deal.

In the end, regardless of what you choose, you are supporting local, sustainable agriculture, and small family farms.

This Saturday January 20th at the Lawrence Public Library there will be gathering of farms who offer CSA’s or Farm Shares! (Link) I will be there representing my farm with information about our Farm Share.

I’d be happy to talk to you about it. About how I do offer a Lawrence pick up site in addition to the main pickup location at the farm (because I know how busy life can be). How my goal is to show everyone how peaceful our valley is, to invite you to not just pick up your share weekly, but get your hands dirty and volunteer. How our little valley just a few minutes north of Lawrence can not only feed your hunger for food but also feed your soul. How I love taking time for kids and having them help with little chores now and then when they come, and how we plant a garden just for them to tend to and eat from.

I’d be happy to tell you about the Heirloom veggies I plant and grow in my permaculture garden, where bugs and bees thrive and the stories of why we garden the way I do. I’d love to tell you about our animals and the meats we offer. About our land and how we are constantly learning how to better care for it and use it to it’s fullest. About the wheat and corn I grind to make bread from, the broomcorn I make brooms from. And if you visit, I love sharing a quick glimpse into the beehive, the heartbeat of our farm.

Overall, I’d like to get to know you and for you to get to know me, and my family. My family is the reason I farm, I want to provide them with the best (maybe not always the prettiest) food I can.

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