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How to peel farm fresh eggs, words of wisdom from your FarmHer.

The majority of my family absolutely LOVES deviled eggs, and I'd honestly never made them until about 7-8 years ago. I was under the impression that they were terribly hard to do, because they only showed up on special occasions. I never worried about learning to make them, because.....I don't like them. I also don't like potato salad, another family favorite, but I do make that. Regardless of my picky eating and texture fear of some foods, one Easter I decided I would learn to make deviled eggs. And of course I wanted to dye the outside purple from beet juice. I prepared myself for this enormous task of the great deviled egg making, only to find out how incredible simple they are to make...except the farm fresh egg peeling part.

A few years later, and adding 3 more children making 6 total I found myself rather busy pre -holidays. I started prepping things as far in advance as possible and one time I boiled my eggs and set them to chill with full intentions of peeling later that day and then making whatever it was at the time. But I forgot them, until the following day, now I dreaded peeling them, I was afraid I'd made more work for myself, only to discover...HOW PERFECTLY they peeled!

Mind you I'd tried all the tricks I'd found online but when you go out to the coop the morning of and gather your eggs to boil nothing ever really consistently worked. But now, I can prep one more thing even farther in advance and make my cooking tasks even more enjoyable.

SO just remember, boil the day before, put the whole egg in the fridge for the night and save your fingers from hot eggs by peeling the next day!

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